The New York City Health Department reports that the residents of New York City practice unsafe sex, which is a cause of disease and more health and family problems. The department tries to promote more contraseption use when practicing sex. However, is the the contraseption use that is lacking or the discipline and the responsibility?
Here is an issue where many Evangelicals feel the Catholic Church is “behind the times.” They think that Catholics should get with it and not be so uptight. Some Evangelicals think that Catholics who refuse to give into the “culture of contraception” are taking an almost hostile attitude against their spouses. They think that Catholics are anti-sex. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Actually, the desire to have natural relations with a spouse without anything interfering with God’s miracle of conception creates a deep bond between a husband and wife. It is well documented that married couples who don’t use contraception have fewer divorces and report much greater intimacy than those using contraception
Advocates of contraception promised lower divorce rates, but divorce has doubled in direct proportion to availability of birth control. Barrier contraceptives were supposed to reduce sexually transmitted diseases.
The opposite has occurred, The National Post reported that 25% of women between 15-25 years old have venereal warts. HIV and other STD’s are on the rise in every country.
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